Bangkit Contributor Portal

Our vision is to deliver a structured, high quality, training program to produce high-calibre graduates for world-class technology companies and startups.

Program Overview

Bangkit is a unique career readiness program led by Google and delivered with support from industry experts from GoTo and Traveloka. The program is designed to provide the participants with first-hand exposure to real-world practitioners and prepare them with relevant skills for a successful career in leading tech companies.

Since 2020 Bangkit has trained more than 20,000 students all over the university. Praised as the “gold standard” of Kampus Merdeka program, Bangkit has resulted in some key impacts as follows.

Bangkit has been running for four years, we will continue to conduct Bangkit 2024 starting in January 2024. We have designed the curriculum for machine learning, mobile development, and cloud computing learning path that will prepare students to take Google’s Certification exam. Moreover, in 2024, we integrates AI materials into each Learning Path. In addition to tech skills, Bangkit will also provide soft skills and an English curriculum.

Call for Bangkit 2024 Contributors!

All our milestones were only possible through the support of Bangkit Contributors as the backbone of our Program. Up until Bangkit 2023 H1 alone, we had 580 contributors who taught more than 3.900 live sessions in total. Most of them are professionals from Google, GoTo, Traveloka, and other industry partners.


of Bangkit contributors in 2023 H1 would recommend their network to contribute in Bangkit.


Interested to contribute again 

in next year’s Bangkit

Bangkit Contributor Survey in 2023 H1 (n= 385 respondents)


contributors rated their positive experience during teaching time at Bangkit.

For Bangkit 2024 we open up the opportunity for you, experienced professionals, to be our Contributor. Check roles offered below 

Expert Instructors

Project Advisor

Guest Speaker

Teach Bangkit 2024 Cohorts

and Soft skill classes

(min. of 2 hrs x 1 session)

Advise Capstone Project team

or Business, Project Management
and other topics

(min. of 30 mins x 1 session)

Share expertise & inspiration
on tech, soft skills, career,
personal development,
among others

(min. of 2 hrs x 1 session)

Why Join as Bangkit Contributor

Make your mark on Indonesia’s
digital talent developments

New experience & portfolio
on  edu-tech field

Access to a vast network of tech practitioners in Indonesia and beyond

Various Rewards including
cash incentive

Contributors Rewards

Cash Allowance

Free Study Access (Tech Instructors)


Written Recognition

*  You may opt out
and swap to other
non-monetary benefits
Tax will be deducted from the received funds

Applies to Dicoding classes

Materials & Courses
from the learning path taught

Certificate and recognition letter to active contributors 

To learn more about contributing in Bangkit, please check the contributors deck below

Bangkit 2024 Call for Contributors

Here is the snippet of Bangkit Contributor 2023 Journey 

Video Contributor.mp4