Call for Instructor Bangkit 2024 Batch 1

Bangkit Capstone Project

Capstone is a final project built by students as one of the mandatory requirements to complete the Bangkit program. Participants in Bangkit will be assigned to a final project as a team, consisting of participants from each learning path (Machine Learning, Mobile Development, and Cloud Computing). 

Two types of Capstone Project Bangkit 2024:

(1) Product Based Capstone Offering students the opportunity to develop technical skills and explore turning ideas into a product.

(2) Company Based Capstone Providing students with an experience in solving real industrial problems and understanding company needs. This year, we have partnered with 18 companies to offer cases for Bangkit students to solve.

Our Expectation for Advisor

As a Bangkit Advisor, you will offer your time, knowledge, skills, and dedication to accelerate the student's project evolution. In addition, you will work with the student team(s) to create a strategic plan of action to help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

Advise a capstone project team to implement their proposal based on experience in tech, business, project management, and other fields of expertise.

Advisor Responsibility

Note: Mentoring sessions that occur beyond the one mandatory mentoring and one additional mentoring based on a student's request through the Bangkit team, will not be included in the incentive calculation or voluntarily

Capstone Advisor Benefit

Cash Allowance

IDR 200,000/mandatory mentoring team (Tax will be deducted from the received funds)

*  You may opt out
and swap to other
non-monetary benefits

Written Recognition

Certificate and recognition letter to active contributors 


Bangkit Exclusive
items / swags

Advisor Expertise Need

Bangkit 2024 Capstone Timeline

Ready to Register as an Advisor for Bangkit 2024 Batch 1?

Kindly complete the form by Monday, April 15th, 2024. [DONE]