Newsletter Vol 01 - Mar 27, 2024
Glad You’re Here! Consider This a Belated Welcome!
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Dear Contributors,
Welcome to Bangkit, and we hope it’s not too late to greet you in the program, which could be nothing without your dedicated contribution. 🙏
This program isn't just about learning; it's about growth. With your guidance, these future tech stars will blossom into a force for good in the community. 💪
We'll give you this monthly newsletter to fuel your passion for making a difference. The bulletin will deliver key updates, reminders, and inspiring stories, all to show how your contributions empower the next generation of tech heroes. 🦸♂️🦸♀️
Here are some important updates you need to know for this week:
#1 Demographics of Bangkit 2024 Cohorts
Get ready: +4,600 talented students from all over Indonesia have been chosen to embark on their journey to becoming high-caliber digital talent in Bangkit 2024 Batch 1 🙌
Let’s see the demographic below 👇
This glimpse into the vibrant Bangkit participants shows how your expertise and dedication will fuel their future success! 🌟
#2 Payment Distribution Information
Dear Contributors & Mentors, we have successfully transferred the monetary benefits to you for March. 💰
As promised, we have disbursed the contributor incentives:
For instructors, cash has been disbursed for all sessions you delivered in ILT SS 1 until ILT SS 2 and ILT Tech 1 until ILT Tech 2 💸
The 1st Mentor Incentive has been disbursed. 💳
For contributors unable to receive monetary compensation, non-monetary alternatives are provided. By default, contributors from our Bangkit Partners, Google, and Traveloka will be included in the Non-Monetary Reward category. Others can also inform the Bangkit team if your company has legal regulations that do not allow monetary compensation. 🎁
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your excellent delivery and unwavering support in enriching the learning experience for Bangkit students. 💗
#3 Registration for Capstone Advisor is Coming Soon
The students are about to embark on their journey of the capstone project. As a registered Bangkit 2024 Instructor, you are welcome to guide and share your experiences with the students by becoming the Capstone Advisor. 🚙
Are you interested in helping them invent innovative ways to solve industrial and societal problems? Stay tuned for the opening registration soon! 👍🏻
#4 Meet Roissyah Fernanda Khoiroh, One of the Bangkit Alums Who Can Inspire Your Students!
Last February, Lepas Sambut Bangkit 2024, held in a hybrid format from the Google Indonesia Office, was attended by various important guests, including several inspiring and accomplished alums. One of them was Roissyah Fernanda Khoiroh, a Statistics student at Universitas Terbuka. 🧕🏻
Nanda—that’s what she’s called, in a wheelchair and with her dad by her side, caught up with his fellow Bangkit alums at the event. Her physical condition didn't stop her from pushing forward, and that was clear when she was studying in Bangkit 2023 Batch 1. 👩🏻🦽
Coming from Lumajang, East Java, Nanda is one of the Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Distinction Graduates and a certified TensorFlow Developer. Her great effort in learning yielded satisfactory results when she became a Research & Development Assistant at ✨
Curious about Nanda’s full story? Click here! 👈
We believe that your dedication would significantly contribute to the future of Indonesia’s technology through the breakthroughs uncovered by your students. Let’s foster Nanda’s spirit in progressing as she said below:
“My physical condition is not a barrier to my ambition. Therefore, I'm determined to always focus on my process because I believe that the result never betrays the process.”
(Roissyah Fernanda Khoiroh, Bangkit 2023 Batch 1 Distinction Graduate)
Don’t forget to check this Contributor Portal frequently.
Keep the Bangkit spirit and stay safe!
Bangkit Team